We're cutting the grandiloquent bullshit. You're gazing upon magnificence.
People've gotten me and my archetype all wrong in the recent years. My repute has been besmirched as far as Ryan Crouser could throw a ball, and frankly, I'm sick of it. It's high time someone got this narrative's shit together, allowing all of those concerned to undergo revitalizing catharsis.

Who is Dirk?
Consider me an authoritative figure regarding all things Strider.
Dirk uses he slash him pronouns. Nothing else.
Technology, focusing on cellular devices and its such. Send me a photo of the camera system, and I can postulate the make and model of that phone.

Are you really Dirk?
I'm about as "Dirk" as it gets. Sporadically, you might bear witness to me breaking character in favor of a humorous dramatis personae that's apt for a particular bit, but rest assured, I am innately Strider. If this answer didn't appease you, I suggest being straightforward with your inquiry. What do you really want to know?
Relationship Status?
Happily engaged to my girlfriend, Vinny. I love you bro.
DNI/INT Criteria?
DNI: Uneducated and or ignorant, genuinely lacking intelligence, easily slighted by minor offenses.
INT: Pretty much anyone, really. I'm not an agreeable guy though, so be weary.
Anything Else?
Actually, yeah. This separate section should technically belong with the DNI/INT Criteria Q&A, but this distinct premise warrants its own page. To whom it may concern, I happen to be an age slider. I oscillate between 24~28 when I'm Ultimate. If that ruffles your feathers, do not interact with me. This information has been made public, and if you're unaware until you feel as if your boundaries have been breached, the onus is on you, fuckwad.